Sunday, December 2, 2007

Just needing to Vent a little.

Well, here recently it seems as though no matter what I do in the end I am the one that gets kicked. I try and help people out the most that I can help them out and in return I am the one that is kicked while she is down. Nothing ever seems to go right. I am through with being the nice person anymore. It doesn't seem like being nice is helping me out cause all it is doing to me is causing me more stress and more headaches.

I have a lot of stress as it is. Considering the fact being that this is my first deployment with my husband and well I have been doing really well with it up until this holiday season. This will be his first year for not being here for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years. It kinda has hit hard this Holiday season. It has been taking everything that I have to stay strong. Not just for him but for the kids as well.

It also seems like my family that is here just doesn't understand that right know I am a lot more sensitive then they realize. Especially right know. I just don't know what I am going to do. I went to Thanksgiving over at my sisters which was a big mistake and well I am not even sure what I am going to be doing for Christmas. It just doesn't seem like the Holidays without the husband here.

Well, thanks for letting me vent. I am sorry that it may seem like I am going on and on but I just need to vent.

1 comment:

Kandy said...

Sweetie I am here for you anytime. I know it is going to be hard until ed gets home but he will be here for you when he is back and trust me things will get better.